
Tree Island – Strike Vote Results

May 4, 2021

To: MoveUP members at Tree Island

Please be advised that the ballots were counted on May 4, 2021, by the MoveUP Returning Officer.

MoveUP members at Tree Island  voted as follows:

In favour of strike action:      28

Against strike action:              0

Spoiled ballots:                        0

Total ballots cast:                    28

We will forward additional updates as they become available.

Thank you for your participation and support.

Your Bargaining Committee:

Cindy Henning, Job Steward
Hani Dakkak, Executive Board
Noel Gulbransen, Union Representative

File Number: 21-TreeIsland-Barg-Strike Vote Results-May 4
Union Label: NB:kc USW2009


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