
AvisBudget – Update #7

April 15, 2021

To: All MoveUP members at Avis

Your union would like to provide an update on the ongoing transition process of moving our new members from Budget to the Avis collective agreement.

As reported previously, the Labour Relations Board ruled on February 25th that the transition process would be left in the hands of AvisBudget and MoveUP.  The decision also left the option open for the parties to wait and address all matters at bargaining when the collective agreements expire in 2022.  The parties have chosen to continue the transition process.  This is certainly MoveUP’s preference as we would like to transition our new members to the superior MoveUP collective agreement as soon as possible.  The full text of the decision can be found here.

The parties met yesterday to continue negotiating the transition process.  There are several items which need to be addressed and some will be simpler to reconcile than others.  Unfortunately, the state of the car rental business is looming over the process.  There is no question that the process would be easier if business was not being negatively impacted by the pandemic.  Under normal circumstances reservations would be flowing in, staffing levels would be increasing, and AvisBudget would be looking forward to a profitable summer season.  This is obviously not the case and as mentioned it will influence the transition process.

The parties addressed items such as the new dovetailed seniority list, vacation pay top up and scheduling, wage scale differences, and benefits.  Just like in normal bargaining, items that are primarily related to money will likely be addressed last.  Progress was made on some items.  For example, the parties discussed the seniority list, and it appears we are close to having a draft agreed to that can be presented to all members for review.

Your union is represented at the table by all the Avis and Budget job stewards.  This has allowed for the committee to have the benefit of members who have worked under both collective agreements.

The parties will be meeting again on April 28th, to continue the transition process.

If you have any questions about the above or anything else, then please contact Union Representative Shawn Lakusta at slakusta@moveuptogether.ca.

In Solidarity,

Shawn Lakusta, Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President of Combined Units

File Number: 21-AVIS-BLTN-AvisBudget Update #7-April 15
Union Label: SL/LJ: USW2009


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